When I found out I was pregnant I went down to my doctors surgery and asked to make an appointment to see my GP. From this first meeting with you, we encourage you to start thinking about where you might want to have your baby (for example at home or in the midwifery unit ) and how you might want to feed him or her. Letter arrived with midwife's 45minute appointment - I'll be about 15 weeks by the time I see her for the first time, and it strikes me as a short appointment! I rang the midwife a couple of times before the booking appointment to ask questions like this. Antenatal appointments: why they’re important. As soon as you find out you're pregnant you can book an appointment with: local midwife services (find maternity services near you) your GP (if you're not registered with a GP you can find local GPs) Your first midwife appointment. An average appointment lasts 30 to 45 minutes. Joined: Jun 18, 2013 Messages: 4,952 Likes Received: 0. They book the 12 week scan. They go over your medical history, blood and urine tests and then give you a big book explaining the midwife appointments and when you should be having them. This is an opportunity for you to meet a midwife, discuss any issues and to learn more about St George’s. Hi, I’m getting to be a regular on here!! My scan booking was all a bit complicated BUT basically, after my booking appointment with midwife (at 8 weeks) the scan appointment arrived about a week later. Well, you can do all of the above, but at some point you need to make an appointment with a midwife who will organise all your scans, blood tests and hospital appointments. Make Your First Appointment with the Midwife May 23, 2014 10:51 AM NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) has launched a new central booking line to encourage women to make an appointment with their midwife as soon as they discover they are pregnant. Written by a UK Midwife, it's all you need to know to … But do remember that not all these options are suitable for everyone, and not all are available in all areas.Your midwife or GP will be able to discuss options for care during your pregnancy and delivery, including giving birth at home or in a midwife-led birth centre. I'm an even older (first time) mum, I'll be 40 by the time Butterbean is born. Midwife (booking appointment ) is seperate from scan and as far as I know is a home visit. I have been to a family planning clinic and discovered i am pregnant, i then went to a pregnancy advice unit where i had a dating scan and talked through my options. At the booking appointment your midwife will ask you lots of questions to find out if there is anything in your medical history or lifestyle that could affect your pregnancy or baby. Now I have decided to go ahead with the pregnancy I need to arrange my first midwife appointment but i have no idea how. I also checked the front of my book and the weeks that I should be seen by midwives have been ticked so I will know for future appointments! The midwife will also inform you of all the important things regarding your pregnancy along with choices for you and your baby’s care. At your Booking In appointment, our midwife will explain all the necessary information you will need to know about coming to hospital including: Your length of stay in hospital ; what to bring to hospital for you and your baby . My midwife won’t let you make an appointment until you are 8 weeks, if you call any earlier they ask you to call back. My partner was not at home for my booking in appointment, but he came to every other midwife appointment after that so it's up to you if you want yours there, or perhaps if he strongly wants to accompany you it won't bother the midwife at all. The midwife will review any past and current history that is relevant to your pregnancy and make a plan for your care. Perhaps you could contact GP or ask for midwifes contact details to clarify how you'll get a scan date. my midwife asked what i wanted a couple of times but she doesnt do the booking - a doctor has to do it. Booking, changing and cancelling appointments online. What does a typical appointment look like? This appointment lasts around an hour. Your booking (or booking-in) appointment is your 1st official antenatal appointment with a midwife. This is part of a national drive to promote the best start for pregnant women and their babies. She will also give you lots of information on having a healthy pregnancy. I would suggest calling just to make sure you know what the process is in your clinic then at least you are prepared. What happens, what to expect at your first Midwife appointment, also known as the booking appointment. Maternity Booking Line Call your midwife. It's the tests that go along with the 12 week scan that are time dependent in that you have to do them by a certain point (I think) . You are in: Home > Services A-Z Home > Maternity Services > Pregnant - What Next? I just wanted to ask about your experiences of the 16 week midwife appointment. Generally, you’ll see your midwife monthly until you’re 28 weeks pregnant, then biweekly until you’re 36 weeks, and then weekly until you have your baby. The number is 0141 347 8422. x. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > Toria111 Well-Known Member. I saw mine for a booking appointment at 9 weeks (guidelines say this should be done before 10 weeks). She checked my blood pressure and urine sample and said they were fine and that was basically it. CONTACT NHS LOTHIAN. The booking appointment - and any antenatal appointment - is a time when you can ask questions too. I am about 13 wks. The appointment was for 12 weeks exactly. The first appointment you have will be with a midwife and will last 1 – 1.5 hours. If you have a concern or query about your health or anything that is happening in your life, you can talk to your midwife about it. Childbirth classes will be booked in at your booking in appointment. And, whether you’ve been waiting for it anxiously for weeks or you’ve barely got past the shock of seeing your positive pregnancy test, this is often the moment when it hits you: I’m. Do bear in mind, though, that, at this very early stage in your pregnancy, it’s unlikely your GP will be able to help you with anything very baby-specific – and you will have the opportunity to discuss this kind of thing in detail with your midwife at your booking-in appointment. Your first midwife appointment will be fairly long as there will be much to do. You will attend your first antenatal appointment with a Midwife, often called your “booking visit”, at a local Children’s Centre, GP surgery or … How do I book my first midwife appointment? with my ds and dd2 i had growth scans at 28wks and 36wks. No details of scan appointment yet. Midwife booking appointment. General Information. > Phoning our Maternity Booking Service Top. I had mine yesterday and was a bit disappointed as the midwife wasn’t there and I only got to see the student midwife. The receptionist questioned me as to why I wanted to see a GP and said that they don't just see people to refer them to midwifery services, despite the fact I wanted to talk about other things to do with the pregnancy. This afternoon I had my first midwife appointment and was expecting to get some information, etc but it seems it was just a hello before I got referred for my booking appointment (though I am worried about time scales given that I'm nearly 9 weeks, not sure if that's enough time to get two other appointments before 12 weeks but we'll see). After the midwife's appointment I was luckily able to book a scan for a few day's later, although there was absolutely no flexibility in dates and DH wasn't able to come as he was on a short business trip. Here's what you can expect: There will be questions that include the following: The midwife will ask you the date of onset of your last period. You could simply go to your doctors, or phone up, and request to make an appointment with the midwife for around the time you will be 10 weeks, other than that actually book to see your gp and ask about the midwife issue directly. Re whooping cough vaccination, I was advised by midwife at my 24 week appointment to make an appointment with the practice nurse to have this which I have done. Discussion in 'First Trimester' started by Toria111, Jun 26, 2013. Do i book an appointment with the doctor and they book it or can i contact the midwife … Your midwife will also take some blood samples and offer to arrange a dating scan to establish how many weeks pregnant you are. How do I start my pregnancy care? It's not too early to ask about where you might give birth. Thanks for clarifying that for me it's amazing how much there is to learn! We have a telephone number for you to make an appointment with a midwife as soon as you know you are pregnant. Your first antenatal contact with the midwife, which is known as the booking appointment should take place at around 8 to 10 weeks. So it seems a lot of you have dates for your first midwife appointment. First Appointment – The Booking Appointment (8-9 Weeks) In some areas, you may need to have an initial appointment with a GP or midwife to confirm your pregnancy, however, for most women, the first appointment with a midwife will be what is known as the “Booking Appointment”. If you are registered with a GP surgery, you can use their online services to book, check or cancel appointments with a GP, nurse, or other healthcare professional. In my pregnancy notes booklet my midwife listed when I would have scans/meet up with her - it's near the middle of the booklet I think. greenpenguin in reply to 2Baby2019. The scan u will have general checks too including weight height Bp and urine sample . Reply (0) Report. ‘It can be all-consuming when you are first pregnant, and remembering what you want to ask or what you are told at your booking appointment can be tricky,’ says Dr Sandra Wheatley, a social psychologist specialising in parenting and families. Going to your antenatal appointments right from the start means that your doctor or midwife can check how you and your baby are going.. In my LA they do an early bird appointment at about 9 weeks where a group of newly pregnant ladies go to hear about the procedures and receive their booking pack to fill in at home; this has medical history info., places to fill in your EDD and I needed my NHS number for the midwife to put on all the paperwork for the hospital. If he's not going to be there just ask him about any family medical history beforehand. If you have already signed up to online services, log in to your usual service provider and book one of the available appointments. You will be given an appointment to see your Community Midwife at the earlest opportunity (ideally between 6-8 weeks gestation). What to Expect During Your First Midwife Appointment. Your booking-in appointment with your midwife can seem like a ‘what now’ if you haven’t prepared for all you want to know. i had c-section with ds as he was breech and it was booked at 36+5 weeks after my scan for 38wks. As it happens I wasn't allowed that appointment as I have to go to the bigger hospital instead, I …
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