An impala is a type of antelope that inhabits the eastern and southern areas of Africa. It belongs to the Aepyceros genus and is further divided into 2 subspecies. Tame Impala is the psychedelic music project of Australian multi-instrumentalist Kevin Parker. A narrow black line runs along the middle of the lower back to the tail, and a vertical black stripe appears on the back of each thigh. Impala is an elegant and magnificent species of antelope. An alert impala will bark out an alarm that puts the entire herd to flight—and a fleeing impala is no easy prey. Kendetegn. It is a species of the family Bovidae and genus Nyala, also considered to be in the genus Tragelaphus.It was first described in 1849 by George French Angas. Vive en bosques poco densos y en la sabana salpicada de árboles. En effet, l'impala porte sur la croupe deux marques verticales noires sur fond blanc et une troisième sur la queue. Impala est un nom donné par les Zoulous. Males of this species are identified by … Lorsque celle-ci n'est pas relevée, l'animal présente donc - vu de derrière - trois marques noires parallèles qui forme ainsi le nombre 111. Navnet impala kommer fra zulusproget. Au Kenya, l'impala est surnommé "cent-onze". The lowland nyala or simply nyala (Tragelaphus angasii), is a spiral-horned antelope native to southern Africa (not to be confused with the endangered Mountain nyala living in the Bale region of Ethiopia). Predators of the impala include leopards, lions, jackals, caracal, humans, hunting dogs, crocodiles, cheetahs, hyenas and pythons. Este animal, en lugar de quedarse en campo abierto, como lo hacen la mayoría de los antílopes que pastan, corre a ponerse a cubierto ante cualquier amenaza. El impala come hierbas, hojas y semillas. This antelope species is primarily active during the day when it grazes on fruits and other vegetation with one of three types of herds: bachelor, female, or territorial male. Impalas are fleet runners who are able to leap distances of up to 33 feet. A threatened impala may leap up to 9m (29ft) in distance and up to 2m (6.5ft) high. Impala live in the light woodlands and savanna of southern and eastern Africa. Home; Random; Nearby; Log in; Settings; About Wikipedia; Disclaimers This medium-sized antelope possesses thin, pointed horns with tips, lying far apart from each other. The animal has slender body with the identifying "M"-like marking on the rear. Arten når et stangmål omkring 90 centimeter og en vægt mellem 40 og 65 kilogram (hunner, henholdsvis hanner). In the recording studio, Parker writes, records, performs, and produces all of the project's music. Det videnskabelige artsnavn kommer af græsk aipos "høj", ceros "horn" og melas "sort", pous "fod". The graceful impala is a slender, medium-sized antelope so adaptable that it is found from southern Africa to the northern limits of East Africa. These medium-sized antelopes travel and gather in herds of hundreds during the rainy season. The impala is reddish-brown with white hair inside the ears, over each eye and on the chin, upper throat, underparts, and buttocks. Impala (Aepyceros melampus) er en mellemstor afrikansk antilope. Physical Characteristics The body is reddish-brown with white hair inside the ears, over each eye and on the chin, upper throat, underparts and buttocks. Behaviour. When one member of the herd finds a threat they make an alarm call that makes the whole herd run. When startled, an impala animal can jump up to 10 feet high. The rains bring a bounty of grasses, shoots, herbs, bushes and shrubs for their grazing.
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