2 parts White Rum. Convert the unit of the bottle (liters, milliliters, etc.) Get Recipe from Food La La You don't have to be a bartender or a mixologist to pour a decent cocktail. Cocktail Menu Templates Mix together Canva's ready-made templates and your uploaded images. Even if these aren't fully memorized, you should be able to find the recipe in your home library at quick notice to serve them to your friends. test.json - the test set containing recipes id, and list of ingredients. MySQL, MS Access, CSV, and other Delimited Formats. Discover delicious recipes for all occasions. Easy . Recipe Index Card Template Recipe Book Templates Printable Recipe Cards Cocktail Book Cocktail Glass Coctails Recipes Recipe For Teens Recipe Organization Just For You. If you can’t find the Licor 43, feel free to swap-in brandy or whiskey. Cocktails, bakes, hot drinks and shakes. The recipe is super simple: coffee, orange zest and Licor 43, a Spanish-made liqueur with a vanilla and citrus flavor. 50 ml White Rum 1 1/2 bar spoons Sugar 25 ml Lime Juice Lime slice. A Modern guide to cocktails for every Home bartender. Caipirinha 8. By the time Harman Burney Burke wrote his Burke's Complete Cocktail and Tastybite Recipe Book in 1936 there were already so many cocktails that he decided his readers needed a listicle, asserting "The following 15 mixtures are the most popular conventional drinks in the Western World." With a healthy repertoire of popular mixed drink recipes and the right ingredients at your disposal, you can be the life of any gathering. Pink Cocktail Turquoise. Grateful Dead 17. Cocktail Pricing Calculator Spreadsheet. Any self-respecting home bartender should have a mental Rolodex Excel spreadsheet of favorite classic cocktail recipes. Good bartenders pride themselves on being knowledgeable about cocktail recipes and proficient in the art of properly serving their guests and patrons. Godiva Chocolate Martini 16. Use our Drink Recipe list for website and mobile application use. To update the pricing on all your recipes, simply update the prices on the inventory tab and all your recipes will be updated with current prices. Use either Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or the Google Doc spreadsheet, either works fine. Cosmopolitan Cocktail 12. For this one just needs to enter a number of ingredients that one needs to go buy and a number of ingredients the recipe requires, how much each ingredient costs and then upon pressing enter, one gets an average estimate of how much a recipe will cost. Cinnamon Coffee Red. Caribou Lou 11. Today, I present the 25 essential drinks that I think everyone should be able to make. Discover cocktails you can make from the bottles you already have in your bar. Cape Cod 9. Umbrella Drink Orange. Each Excel recipe template below has a “scale” feature in the header. Colorful Green Cocktail. With a little advance planning, a few easy-to-find supplies, and a recipe, whether it’s one of the many cocktail recipes on Serious Eats or one from my new book, Batch Cocktails: Make-Ahead Pitcher Drinks for Every Occasion. Learn more about our history, find delicious drink recipes and explore the many tempting flavours. The first bar book that offers a complete guide to Signature cocktails. Ice cubes. Shake tequila and triple sec over ice and strain into glass, top up with lime juice. Discover the premium quality of Baileys Original Irish Cream. Fat Frog 13. Pour over rum and lime juice, top up with soda water and stir. Double the recipe with an extra bag of strawberries and a second bottle of rosé, and your total is just barely over budget — $30.95. Still providing 2.5 ounces of liquor per 8 oz pour and charging $7 per serving. This refreshing tequila cocktail can be made in just five minutes in a blender 5 mins . Cost Sheet Coctails Recipes Inventory Management Price Guide Bartender Calculator Beverages Cocktails Templates Ice Bomb 18. Ingredient × Not a pro member yet? Blue Cocktail Umbrella. Please Log In Log in with your Google account to access all our recipes and remember your bar inventory for the next time.