The term curriculum refers to the lessons and academic content taught in a school or in a specific course or program. Forces and issues in the current curriculum context. Because of the complexity of social forces influencing curriculum develop-ment, any exploration of particular factors must, by necessity, be selective. Blueprinting curriculum development requires selecting learning goals, designing knowledge delivery models while creating assessment methods for individual and group progress. The issues that are currently influencing curriculum development can be explicated. Several factors affect all curriculum development in meeting the needs of 21st century learners in both organized academic settings and corporation learning centers. The process progresses from evaluating the existing program, to designing an improved program, to implementing a new program and back to evaluating the revised program. Most factors that influence a curriculum change are mostly directly connected to parents and the students. Factors Influencing Curriculum Development DAN W. DODSON THAT education takes place in a social framework is taken for granted. Factors that influence Curriculum Development 6. Factors affecting curriculum development include government rules, which in turn brings other factors into the process. Conclusion. Schools make necessary changes that will help both teachers and students get through the year better, and with less problems. In 1952 an entire issue of the REVIEW (2) was devoted to this topic. This study was aimed at establishing the factors that influence the implementation of curriculum in public primary schools in Ukwala division of Siaya County. Factors influencing on curriculum development Several factors affect all curriculum development in meeting the needs of 21st century learners in both organized academic settings and c... Characteristics of Educational Research , According to Anaekwe (2002) Blueprinting curriculum development requires selecting learning goals, designing knowledge delivery models while creating assessment methods for individual and group progress. Factors Affecting Curriculum Planning The Hidden Curriculum The Training Staff Subject expertise The Subject Discipline Institutional Factors Implementing a new curriculum External body QA IQA requirements Opportunities for developing relationships with other national and sector. Whereas each of these characteristics is, to a greater or lesser degree, associated with other curricula (e.g., general or academic), their influence on the career and technical and technical curriculum development process is important to note. Several factors affect all curriculum development in meeting the needs of 21st century learners in both organized academic settings and corporation learning centers. In attempting to describe a time so proximate, faculty run the risk of either overlooking what will become an enduring feature of the time or underestimating the difficulty in winnowing the significant issues from the irrelevant ones. Several factors affect all curriculum development in meeting the needs of 21st century learners in both organised academic settings and corporation learning centres. Curriculum development – impact and influence By Abigail Barnett Date 11.10.16 In Curriculum Comments 2 For many of us, our first awareness of the intended curriculum or in other words, what students are expected to learn, is when we bump up against something at school we really aren’t interested in or find hard to do. The study was based on five main objectives: to determine the extent to which teacher training influence the implementation on curriculum; to establish the extent to which With curriculum changes, classes may change and so can after school activities. The development of an effective curriculum guide is a multi-step, ongoing and cyclical process.