As their name suggests, they’re fibrous rooted. Store tubers in a clean cardboard box. Find plants you love and create idea boards for all your projects. Store tubers in a dry, dark, cool (above freezing) area. Don’t let them totally dry out, but a light misting over the compost if it dries out should do the trick. Let the frost just touch the begonia plants before removing the tubers – this will allow for some of the nutrients to return back to the tuber. Ensure that each section has at least a single bud on it and root below it. * Keep dry. This type of begonia is called trailing or scadent -- scadent means \"climbing\" -- because its branches can become quite long, in some varieties up to 8 feet, making them ideal for hanging planters. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Be careful though – a sharp frost could still do major damage. Rex BegoniaRex Begonias are a bit more of a challenge for indoor growing, but with a high humidity level can be gorgeous with bright filtered light. Some gardeners prefer to overwinter these and other tuberous begonias as houseplants indoors. Begonia rhizomes tend to be very delicate and easily scratched. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. For tuberous begonias, which often have larger and more abundant leaves than their fibrous cousins, your goal is to preserve only the tubers (which reside underground in the root … This type of begonia enjoys bright light and some direct sun more so than Tuberous Begonias. They never go dormant, so do not allow them to become very dry. An easy guide on how to overwinter begonias and calla lilies.From Douentza Garden in Wexford, Ireland. They’re mostly grown for their foliage, but some varieties will even … I have a rock retaining wall bordering the alley and built a 4' flower bed that goes for about 30' … The Cane types include Angel Wing Begonias and also the Dragon wing types. Find out where you fall in the USDA Hardiness Zones database. These plants like constant moderate moisture, high humidity, and regular fertilization. Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 12:43 am . Begonias are a much loved summer bedding plant suitable for pots, tubs & hanging baskets. Time limit is exhausted. Space them at half inch intervals at a depth of 1 inch. Required fields are marked *. These include 1. = "block"; Tuberous rooted (and rhizomatous) varieties can be overwintered in a cool, dark and dry place. Also Begonias can be prone to a variety of bacterial and fungal problems, especially under indoor conditions, so if you see problems of this type showing up during the winter, contact your local garden center for advice on how to control any problems. Those which are annual and grown from seeds / plug plants and those grown from corms, small bulbs. Be inspired with our Gardener's Idea Book and Winner's Circle® newsletter. year-round. Overwintering a begonia is not always necessary in warmer environments, as winters are generally less severe. Ensure that the compost is well drained. I haven’t heard of ‘tenting’ begonias, except perhaps for propagation purposes. Tuberous Begonias offer truly magnificent value for money, especially when you consider how much of a show they give for their initial cost. Please reload CAPTCHA. Spray or gently water. You can maintain fibrous begonias, which often have waxy leaves and always have traditional root balls, for 2-3 years with proper indoor and outdoor care. Is this OK. Plant the begonia tubers during March or April. Dig up the entire plant with foliage still attached before the hard frosts set in. setTimeout( Examples of these Begonias include: Black Coffee, Last Laugh, Palomar Prince, and River Nile. Indoor conditions are very stressful to most plants and when plants are stressed they are more susceptible to insects and diseases. It’s a family of two strains: fibrous rooted & tuberous begonias. Fibrous-rooted begonias are best overwintered as ‘dormant’ plants. A few major … Barbs. for their colorful flowers, a long bloom period, attractive foliage and few maintenance requirements. I’d recommend that you occasionally check your overwintering Begonias. Examples of the Rex Begonias include: The Great American City Series, Fire Flush, Capricorn, Taurus, and Fairy. Fibrous-rooted begonias make great house plants over the winter, as do the rhizomatous types (such as Rex begonias), which are grown primarily for their foliage. Remove the foliage by gently teasing the stems from the tuber. The method doesn’t really matter, as long as you do the following to over winter your begonia tubers: * Keep in a frost free place. To start, this type of begonia will not actively grow through the winter; in fact, they will need to go dormant to survive the season. Leave a small amount of soil around each tuber. Most begonia varieties easily take from cuttings – hardly any labour at all. This way they can be transplanted into larger pot later but they do not become too wet during the crucial period where they are waking up and beginning to grow. There are also va… We always tend to think of fibrous-rooted begonias as small, bushy little plants for window boxes, small containers and edging. © 2020 Proven Winners North America LLC. Fibrous begonias don’t grow from tubers. Perfect for indoors. They will also make for an attractive pot plant. Leave it to dry in a frost-free and sunny place for 1 week. * You can pack them in dry compost or in newspaper. Fibrous rooted Begonias are usually sold in a bedding pack of 6 or so plants. Examples of Tuberous type Begonias include the following: Illumination, Non-Stop, On Top, Ornament, Panorama, Pin Ups, and Charisma series. Don’t leave them in the ground for too long or you will loose them! Begonia types:Begonias are incredibly diverse, so knowing what type of Begonia you have makes it a lot easier to succeed in over wintering them. A cool greenhouse or shed should be a safe environment for most winters. Begonias, Colourful Flowers, Long Flowering, Overwintering, Winter Garden, I am new at this gardening thing thing. I live in Bellingham Washington. }, Order yours now. Once the plant has gone completely dormant most gardeners remove the tuber from the soil. As the leaves turn yellow in autumn dry the tubers and overwinter at a minimum of 2-4°C (35-40°F) Semperflorens begonia. Your email address will not be published. Native to tropical and subtropical regions, they are grown as annuals in cooler areas where they are not … If your begonias are fibrous rooted, then you can either dig them up, trim them back and store as house plants over winter, or take cuttings and keep in a warm spot in your house. They will also make for an attractive pot plant. Avoid draughty areas of the house to get the most out of your bedding begonias over winter. Reply. Ensure that the depressed side is facing up. My husband has stored my begonia tubers in newspaper, in an airtight polystyrene box. To force the plant to go dormant, you … Once growth begins, divide each tuber with a sharp, sterilised knife. Please visit my guide to storing Dahlias over the colder months. There are literally thousands of different varieties of begonias, but only a few are considered fibrous. Instead, you must bring the begonias in to a protected area to over-winter them. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. timeout Fibrous rooted Begonias such as ‘wax’ and ‘Angel’ or ‘Dragon winged’ varieties may be pruned into a manageable shape and taken into the house during winter. Place tubers hollow-side-up in pots or trays of fresh general purpose compost. Avoid draughty areas of the house to get the most out of your bedding begonias over winter. These fibrous-rooted, tender perennial begonias are usually grown as annuals. The most commonly overwintered annuals are geraniums, coleus, impatiens and fibrous-rooted begonias, and the key to enjoying indoor flowers is light. Most gardeners start their tubers in small pots 4”-5”. They may look as tough as old boots, but they are not. if ( notice ) Never allow tuberous begonias to become soggy, they are very sensitive to root rot if they stay too moist. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. All Rights Reserved. Cut off the stems about 1 inch above the tubers. The tuberous Begonia group REQUIRES winter dormancy. Yes fibrous rooted begonias are also known as wax begonias. I was told I can ‘tent’ my bagonia to save it over the winter. Your email address will not be published. The Angel Wing Begonia is a common example. Find locations near you that offer Proven Winners products. And although this lush, tropical looking plant is often sold as a half-hardy annual, tuberous begonias are mostly perennial, and unlike the fibrous rooted cousins, they can be overwintered … How to Overwinter Begonias. Most are winter flowering and can provide not only beautiful foliage but also sprays of white to pink flowers in late winter. ); Keep the soil slightly moist and the plants growing throughout the winter. Keep lightly moist and lightly fertilized through the winter months. Carefully clean off the tuber of soil and old roots and store in a warm dry location over the winter. Like fibrous-rooted begonias, these types are easy to keep as houseplants. Your email address will not be published. I would recommend dusting your Begonia tuber with sulphur powder to guard against rot. }, © 2020 The Allotment Garden – Organic Gardening — Powered by WordPress. This means you need to begin in fall by reducing the water to the plants until the tops have died back and the soil is completely dry. All you really need is a little space and a bright window, and these types of begonias will continue to grow (and possibly even bloom!) Tuberous & Tuberous types of Begonias including B. boliviensisOK, if you have succeeded with other Begonias here is your final exam. Winterizing your begonia plants properly … Tuberous begonias are best lifted before the first frost and cut back to 10cm. This can be applied before storing the tubers.In early spring the tubers may be replanted in fresh soil and given a head start on the season in a bright windowsill where they do not become chilled. In the spring, start begonia plants by placing the tubers on damp peat moss in a warm environment. Note: If you live is a very mild part of the UK, you might want to try leavings your Begonia tubers in the ground overwinter. One group is especially well-adapted to growing in a hanging planter or basket, either outdoors or in the house. Just move the plants to a sunny window or under artificial lights in fall before the first frost. display: none !important; I’m not too sure what kind of weather you have in Bellingham – how cold it gets or general humidity, but I would suggest that digging up and over wintering your begonias is a very safe option. These need very bright light to look their best, but not scorching sun. Begonias need high humidity so place the pot on a tray of damp pebbles to raise the humidity around the plant. var notice = document.getElementById("cptch_time_limit_notice_44"); Some Begonias go dormant for the winter and others have no dormant period and continue to grow and flower for the entire winter.