Home; Before you begin. The week encourages people to take 10 minutes to check the condition of their property, with the aim of reducing the need for more significant and costly repairs later down the line. And Highland Council has urged property owners to adopt this 'stitch in time saves nine' approach before rougher weather arrives. The historic wrought iron Infirmary suspension bridge in Inverness is more than 140 years old and stretches 83-metres long between Ness Walk and Ness Bank. Click here for directions to The Highland Council Service Centre, Osprey House, Alness Point Business Park, Alness IV17 0UP, UK on Google Maps. Sign up for an account to manage your service requests and accounts with us. The Highland Archive Service preserves, conserves and makes accessible the archive collections in the care of The Highland Council. The council should repair any damage caused by maintenance or building work. FÀILTE. Highland Archive Service Centres. It also provides a Records Management Service to the authority. An estimated £3.46m is needed to repair and maintain 339 Highland Council play parks. We have four centres covering the Highland region in Caithness, Inverness, Lochaber and Skye and Lochalsh. The Highland Council. Home. Welcome to Highland's CPD website which has been set up to support you with your continuing professional development. Get contact details, videos, photos, opening times and map directions. Highland Council - received 20 July 2020 Charter Technical Guidance - July 2020 - Tracked Summary of changes - Charter Technical Guidance 2020 ... 95.5% of tenants who had repairs or maintenance carried out were satisfied with the service they received, compared to … Highland Council said repairs … About Local Government in the UK from Wikipedia The pattern of local government in England is complex, with the distribution of functions varying according to the local arrangements. Log in. Highland Council brings more repairs in-house 11 Sep 19 Highland Council is advertising for qualified building trade staff after deciding to take on more repair and maintenance work itself. The Highland Council Home. Search for local Local Government near you on Yell. Fàilte gu làrach-lìn CPD Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd a chaidh a chur air dòigh airson ur cuideachadh le ur leasachadh leantainneach proifeasanta. ... Recovery Board set up to help Highland Council … After yesterday's meeting, Councillor Allan Henderson, chair of the communities and place committee, said: “A different approach to managing the play park estate is required in order to meet the scale of investment required. Children's Service Worker 1 (6 hpw) (Fixed Term until 25 June 2021) Inverlochy Primary School, Fort William (HGH09679) - HGH09679. Find Highland Council House Repairs & Pest Control in Alness, IV17. Good progress was reported against major areas of work, including service redesign, workforce planning and a workforce data project. You may be able to get a reduction in your rent if the repairs cause a lot of disruption. Creating an account saves you time with auto-completion of your contact information from your myaccount data when completing forms and the ability to view a history of your requests and accounts. To provide a high quality, effective and customer focussed Inspection, Repair and Maintenance service in respect of Public Buildings within a defined operational area.