Traditionally, survey data are first disseminated by researchers, by way of papers at conferences and other scientific meetings and journals articles, book chapters and in some cases entire books on the survey. It is a largely self-directed forum where participants share ideas. Although the findings of our study regarding the value of a multifaceted and active strategies are much in line with studies on dissemination towards professionals [43, 44], the applied tools and methods are different. Keep up to date with the next SRA North events on Twitter, Guide to Communicating Research Beyond Academia, Improving care for people with dementia: development and initial feasibility study for evaluation of life story work in dementia care, Five Tips for Effectively Engaging with Businesses, Inclusive science communication: Lessons from studying police officers, Presenting for audiences outside of academia. Keeping abreast of scientific progress in survey methods and disseminating methodological advances Despite the numerous advances made in clinical and public health research over the past few decades, discontinuity still exists in the process of disseminating and implementing research discoveries into practice settings [1–3].The dissemination and implementation of these discoveries are important in working towards improving the population’s health [4, 5]. Oral presentations c. … The point was to amalgamate the results into a character which then they performed. The audience playing the game are senior Council members, charity leaders and private sector organisations. Everyone has played a game at some point in their lives. Feb. 2009. Disseminating Research Findings If the major purposes of research are to build empirically based knowledge, corroborate or disconfirm theories, test the effectiveness of social work practice approaches, and ultimately benefit social work clients and client systems, then the dissemination of research findings … This article discusses the issues associated with disseminating research findings in nursing. Please note that some file types are incompatible with some mobile and tablet devices. Login or create a profile so that you can create alerts and save clips, playlists, and searches. ( PDF version - 157.95 KB ) ( Microsoft Word version - 115 KB ). Implementation science is the study of methods to promote the integration of research findings and evidence into healthcare policy and practice. Disseminationis a planned process that involves consideration of target audiences and the settings in which research findings are to be received and, where appropriate, communicating and interacting with wider policy and health service audiences in ways that will facilitate research uptake in decision‐making processes and practice. This study documented that articles in clinical nursing journals disseminated not only information about clinical practice, but also informed readers about research of potential value to the nurse's practice. The opportunities created by having a short film to play about the research are endless. Background. This tool will help you, the Patient Safety Researcher, develop a plan for disseminating your research findings and products to potential users in the health care system. The research team designed a ‘Snakes and Ladders’ game, based on, experiences of poverty from the perspectives of children, young adults and parents. In addition, just like in the case of theatre, creating these collaborations across university teams broadens your network as a researcher. It addresses dissemination methods in academic nursing, barriers to the use of research in practice and ways to overcome these. At the SRA North event, attendees spent 20 minutes with each group and then rotated around the groups in the room. 3, Art. WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW AFTER THIS PRESENTATION: Disseminating Your Findings 1. A systematic scoping review of conceptual frameworks. This collection of videos, articles, and cases from SAGE Research Methods offers practical strategies for disseminating research in a variety of ways. Biological Research for … Disseminating your findings successfully requires determining who your audience is, where your audience is, and how to reach them. Disseminating evidence in nursing is the spreading of evidence-based nursing knowledge, research, and findings by nurses to other health care professionals or to the general public. Presenting your work, discussed in Section 13.2 "Presenting Your Research", is one way of disseminating your research findings. LSW gathers information and artefacts about the person, their history and interests, and produces a ‘life story’” (Brooks et al, 2016). Disseminating survey findings. At the event, we heard from two researchers who had used film as a creative research dissemination method. It contains links to resources that guide you through the phases of dissemination. The final of four creative methods of research dissemination was infographics. However, choosing the most appropriate one for your project can be difficult. The researcher needs to be motivated and … By involving local communities and giving a voice to groups who would otherwise not be heard, they are able to shed light on new experiences and create rich meaning from their work. Discuss the three considerations to keep in mind in order to successfully disseminate your findings. If you encounter a problem downloading a file, please try again from a laptop or desktop. What are three reasons to publish/present? The video below gives you a flavour of what the event was like: Overall, I enjoyed the format and was delighted to learn about some unique methods of creative research dissemination from the other participants. We can often be set in our ways, choosing to stick with what we know to do best. Copy and paste the following HTML into your website. One reason for its success could be the emotional attachment created which makes the audience care and pay attention. Remember to feedback study findings to participants, such as patients and clinicians; they may wish to also participate in the dissemination of the research and can provide a powerful voice. If you’re thinking of creating a movie for your research project, get in touch with your University’s media team. Rockville, MD: Agency fo… Disseminating research: how joint NHS and university posts can support this process. The two actors had observed a series of magistrate hearings and to interview various people in the justice system. from debates on what poverty is, how it impacts individuals and society and what interventions would be most useful. Both examples show the power of filmmaking as a creative method of research dissemination. Formal publication of the results of research most commonly takes place in refereed academic journals or books, but this is not always the case. 17 – September 2007 . Dissemination efforts need to take into account the message, source, audience, and channel. Gridley, K., Brooks, J., Birks, Y., Baxter, K., Parker, G. (2016) Improving care for people with dementia: development and initial feasibility study for evaluation of life story work in dementia care, Health Services and Delivery Research, 4 (23). A knowledge café can be used ‘to learn from each other, share ideas and insights and gain a deeper understanding of a topic and the issues involved’ (knowledge.café). This collection of videos, articles, and cases from SAGE Research Methods offers practical strategies for disseminating research in a variety of ways. Provide conclusions and suggestions on incorporating findings into practices There are many different channels and methods of disseminating to the target audiences and general population. If you have any questions about how we can support you in creating a visual output based on your research, drop us a line at or use the form below. Evaluation findings can be reported in a variety of ways. “Communication that is clear and transparent is an essential part of Government research. Volume 8, No. This tool will help the researchers think through how partners can be engaged more fully before the project begins with the ultimate goal being successful dissemination to the intended audiences (end users). One reason for its success could be the emotional attachment created which makes the audience care and pay attention. Common methods of dissemination include: Publishing program or policy briefs Publishing project findings in national journals and statewide publications This should create ‘pull’ for your research i.e. Overall, theatre is a powerful creative method of research dissemination. First, it presents the ultimate simplification as it cuts to the core of the issue. Effective methods for disseminating research findings to nurses in practice. Evaluation of SSLP services really does not exist until the results have been disseminated in a number of ways and for a range of purposes to different stakeholders. Yet disseminating and using our findings are significant reasons why we undertake research. It addresses dissemination methods in academic nursing, barriers to the use of research in practice and ways to overcome these. Getting the word out: multiple methods for disseminating evaluation findings. Although AMR is a natural process it is becoming exacerbated by the overuse and misuse of antimicrobial medication and now represents a major global threat: common infections are becoming much harder to treat and contain. CARE: Community Alliance for Research and Engagement. Moreover, children and families’ own knowledge and perspectives are absent from debates on what poverty is, how it impacts individuals and society and what interventions would be most useful. The project introduces the concept of AMR and then challenges communities to explore their own experiences with this issue. In public health and clinical settings insufficient dissemination of evidence-based practices limits the reach of new discoveries to broad populations. 2.Delivery of Health Care – methods. Centre for World Cinemas and Digital Cultures, the Nuffield Centre for International Health and Development. Presenting your work, discussed in Section 13.2 "Presenting Your Research", is one way of disseminating your research findings.In this section, we’ll focus on disseminating the written results of your research. Author summary How we communicate research is changing because of new (especially digital) possibilities. It is intended to improve the accessibility of research findings to those trying to … Her research involved people living with dementia in a study exploring the feasibility of evaluating the use of LSW in dementia care. This tool will help the researchers think through how partners can be engaged more fully before the project begins with the ultimate goal being successful dissemination to the intended audiences Cognitive learning is achieved largely through methods of systematic instruction and, in the professional ... they found consistent support for the use of the media in promoting uptake of research findings. It addresses dissemination methods in academic nursing, barriers to the use of research in practice and ways to overcome these. Research Networks Overview This document briefly describes the dissemination planning and implementation process. Political Science and International Relations, The Handbook of Social Work Research Methods, CCPA – Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Format: Produce targeted outputs that are … Overall, performative arts, participatory filmmaking, board games as well as infographics, illustrations and comics are 4 creative methods of research dissemination that are available to all and can truly bring research to life. Cronenwett LR(1). AMR is where common bugs are becoming immune to the drugs designed to kill them. Global Research Dissemination and Utilization: Recommendations for Nurses and Nurse Educators. If you’re thinking of creating a movie for your research project, Instead, they suffer from exclusion, bullying and stigmatisation. Disseminating research in journals that are geared to clinicians is essential to increase nurses' awareness of research findings that might be relevant to their practice. Research Analyst Department of Family and Community Medicine The University of Kansas School of Medicine-Wichita (316) 293-2607 . Keep up to date with the next SRA North events on Twitter @SRANorth! 15.3 Disseminating Findings Presenting your work, as discussed in Section “Presenting Your Research“, is one way of disseminating your research findings. Your research … Their project operates as a direct response to the media and policy narratives around child poverty in the UK that tend to position children and families as ‘troubled’, unskilled, and a societal threat, They shed light on research findings which indicate that parents and children demonstrate few behavioural differences to their better-off peers. While this unique approach is hard to replicate, there are principles in here worth keeping in mind about using games as creative methods of research dissemination. Moreover, because the project uses such a popular game concept, it appeals to our childhood and it creates emotional experiences. He shared the journey of how his department slowly started implementing data visualisation practices to present their work. This panel includes experts who have been trained in peer research and media communication. LSW is “an intervention that aims to improve individual outcomes and care for people with dementia and their carers. The most popular and broad strategy is mass media, including TV, radio, social media outlets, etc. and Nursing Research Overview For this module, the strategies related to dissemination of evidence-based practice are reviewed. In showing the creative possibilities around research dissemination, this approach can be powerful in inspiring young people to go into research. Your research … There are many ways of disseminating research findings. Moreover, the expectations and guidance provided to researchers vary from one agency to another. Research and practice are the focus for December on SAGE MethodSpace, with featured posts from our Mentors in Residence, the co-editors of Research Design and Methods: An Applied Guide for the Scholar-Practitioner. You may also have secondary audiences and others who emerge during the study, to consider and engage. It seeks to understand the behavior of healthcare professionals and other stakeholders as a key variable in the sustainable uptake, adoption, and implementation of evidence-based interventions. When talking about how she used theatre to turn her ‘dry academic research into a, compelling and emotionally engaging drama.