They're 3 years old and have always been together, they've always got on except for the odd bit of bickering. Any help would be appreciated. I don't know what is going on????? This same behavior of cats … My husband was saying we can't spend the next 15 years like this, keeping the cats separated. I had no idea my older cat would hiss when my little one got back from the vet. Feline Non-Recognition Aggression: 4 Tips for Reintroducing Your Cats After One Returns From the Vet. We introduced them slowly...took about two weeks, and they seemed to be fine. Below, we'll address each of these scenarios, analyze the situation, and look at ways to correct the problem. How to Stop a Cat Fight. I have 2 year old brother & sister cats. Advice please. Defensive aggression The reasons why cats fight can help you determine how to prevent your cats from fighting in the future. When it happened to mine Two Cats Suddenly Fighting Aggressively we were also at a loss. Never let cats fight it out. Why Do Household Cats Get Aggressive? Interrupt aggression with a loud clap of your hands or spray from a water gun. When cats who grow up together and never fight, suddenly begin to show aggressive behavior towards each other, one or both of them may have experienced a startling or traumatic event which caused her to turn on her sister, the closest (in proximity AND in feelings) one to her. Calming treats - nada. The noise will startle the cats, and they'll likely both run away. If your cats suddenly start fighting when they previously lived together without altercations, the first step is to take them both to your veterinarian for medical evaluation. Suggestions for Managing Your Cats. Both cats look and act fine, no apparent sickness. Male cats in particular are biologically wired to fight with other male cats when females in heat are present. My cat is suddenly hissing at me and her sister. To stop your female cat from fighting, spray her with water, or throw a … Post by ashleyberner » Mon Jan 04, ... Witnessing subsequent behaviour, I could see that when a cat came into the garden that Molly didn't like the look of, she would go a bit crazy and then attack Bella. Very rarely are unprovoked cats aggressive toward people, but it is the norm for outdoor cats that do not know each other to engage in cat fights. Your two friendly cats are now fighting. Medical problems can cause a cat to be in pain, grouchy or confused, which increases the likelihood for aggressive behavior. Cats don’t usually severely injure one another this way, but you should always check for puncture wounds which are prone to infection. Your cat may need to act out their aggression by picking fights with their brothers and sisters or by causing a fight with a strange cat. Fighting Cats is near the top of the list of questions about cats behavior I receive every day. I have three cats all siblings. One female, two males. I have two sister cats (litter mates). One of the reasons that cats fight is because they feel like an unwanted cat has invaded their territory, even if it is a cat that has lived with them for a long time. I came home from work and the little one (Shiloh) had her ears back, eyes dialated, and growling like … One cat, Dusty, has suddenly become blind. Through a series of unfortunate events, resulting in a very bad fight that kind of involved all three cats, my girl kitty just hunkers in the corner and growls at everyone. Give your aggressive female cat some space while you monitor the situation. Or maybe you’ve just gotten used to the fact that one cat claims your bed at night and won’t let the other cat up there. With cat-to-human aggression, the roots almost always lie with the person. But sometimes she walks into doors, furniture, etc. He of course fights back. Pages: 1 2 3 aggression anxiety in cats cat aggression cat behavior cat behaviorist cat stress cat whisperer environmental enrichment fearful cat frightened cat interactive play litter box multicat play therapy scratching stress in cats training 2013-08-01 Aggression is not a diagnosis; it is part of normal feline behavior and is strongly influenced by early social history and exposure to humans and other animals, gender, social context, handling, personality, and many other variables. Interrupting aggression or fighting by clapping hands loudly, squirting the aggressive cat with a water gun, or directing compressed air (without noise) at the aggressive cat can be more fruitful than allowing the cats … by Jackie Baker (Charleston, WV) I have 2 six year old spayed litter mate cats that suddenly a couple of months ago started fighting. About four months ago we found a rescue cat that is the same age as our other two and adopted her (Annie). Cat-on-cat fights are usually the result of redirected aggression, play aggression, or fear aggression: The majority of the time, the fighting involves intact same-sex cats and worsens during mating season—90 percent of instances of inter-cat aggression can be decreased or prevented by spaying or neutering cats before their first birthday.