In order to be able to offer this classic and musical sound character at an even more affordable price point, we did scale down on some features that is seldom used. Golden Age Project Pre-73 Jr. Contact Golden Age Project +46 322 66 50 50 Web The big brother of this diminutive preamp, the PRE-73, has won many friends in the audio industry thanks to its Neve-like sound quality at a price far lower than that of a genuine Neve product. In order to be able to offer this classic and musical sound character at an even more affordable price point, we did scale down on some features that is seldom used. Product Overview of PRE-73 Jr. PRE-73 Jrと名のある通り、Golden Age Project(以下「GAP」)の製品群にはNeve 1073 moduleを意識したものがいくつかあります。価格順に. It uses the same discrete (no IC´s) signal path with a transformer balanced in- and output. Although the Pre 73 mimics the overall sound and the high gain settings of the 1073, they are still two different devices. Buy Golden Age Project PRE-73 MKIII featuring 80 dB of Gain, Tantalum Capacitors in Signal Path, Selectable HF AIR Boost at 30 kHz, Selectable 40 or 170 Hz HPF, Mic/Line Gain Switch Selection, Similar Circuit to Classic 1073, 4-Step LED Meter, Gain Settings Can be Used in Line Mode, Switchable Phantom Power, Durable Metal Construction. Microphone Preamplifier. Golden Age Prohect Pre-73 Jr by SoundGear SGear published on 2017-07-18T05:48:36Z. Wem die 1000 Euro für den Neve 1073LB-Preamp (dem schon etwas schwächere Leistung nachgesagt wird) im API-500-Format plus zugehörigem Housing (mindestens 300 Euro) auch noch zu viel sind, der findet unter den vielen Klonen auch den erstaunlich preiswerten Pre-73 von Golden Age Project in der mittlerweile verfügbaren Version 2. It uses the same discrete (no IC's) signal path with a transformer balanced in- and output. 1.1- Golden Age Project Pre-73 Jr : 150 1.2- Golden Age Project Pre-73 Jr : 120 (rayé sur le dessus lors de la mise en rack) Produits concernés par cette annonce It uses the same discrete (no IC´s) signal path with a transformer balanced in- and output. The Golden Age Project PRE-73 Jr is the little brother to our big seller, the PRE-73. Ob das Produkt allerdings auch in Schweden gebaut wird, ließ sich trotz der Pflicht, dies auf dem Produkt oder dem Verkaufskarton zu vermerken, nicht in Erfahrung bringen. Compare Compare Now site5116597507 116597507 { "inCheckoutPromo":[] } Used Golden Age Project R1 MKII Ribbon Microphone. Youtube. Pre-73, Comp-54, pre73, comp54, Golden Age pre73, Golden Age Project, Golden Age Project PRE-73 0 items : SEK 0,00 (excl.moms) SEK 0,00 (incl VAT / inkl moms) Check … The Golden Age Pre-73 Jr mic/instrument preamp is the little sibling of the Pre-73, a favorite here at GearNuts. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Golden Age Project Pre-73 Jr Mic Pre at However, a few component replacements can bring yours closer to true “Neve-vana.” Watch. As with several of the Project-series preamps, an unbalanced TRS insert point is also included on the rear panel of the Pre‑73 Premier (wired conventionally with tip=send and ring=return). Aug 16, 2019 - Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Golden Age Project PRE-73 Junior Mic Preamp at the best online prices at eBay! Shipped From. Your Price $ 199.99 msrp:,lowPrice:199.99. Facebook. Visa alla. By most accounts, the Pre73 is very successful, especially given the constraints of its price point. Learn more. It uses the same discrete (no IC´s) signal path with a transformer balanced in- and output. Most items on Reverb are being shipped within 48 hours. Golden Age Project Pre-73 Microphone Preamp Review -... recordingrevolution. Warm up microphones or DI sources with this "Junior" edition of the Pre-73, and get Golden Age's take on the Neve 1073 preamp for a … Message this Seller if you have any questions. (like i said personal fav ) so i know how to refrence the quality of it. Twitter. Add to Cart. 久しぶりに更新しますね。もう年が明けました。今年もよろしくお願いします! では早速ですがこの年末年始でたくさんの買い物をしました。請求はまだない。怖い。その… jorgetown (119.♡.66.125) 판매 0 113 12.02 18:26 물품 사진이 없는 글은 삭제 처리됩니다(사진 사이즈를 줄이면 업로드 가능합니다). Golden Age PremierHandmade high end pro audio for a lot less than you would expectHIGHLIGHTSNEW: PRE-73 DLX PREMIER The PRE-73 DLX PREMIER is a one-channel vintage style microphone-, line- and Review Golden Age Project null Golden Age Project Pre-73 Premier: Kräftiger Preamp mit 80 dB Gain . Good Condition. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Watch this listing to get price drop alerts. As low as $15/month with. Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 vs. Golden Age Pre 73 Jr - Mic Preamp... Kley De Jong. Mit seinen Anschlüssen und schaltbaren Funktionen entspricht der Golden Age Project Pre-73 Premier größtenteils dem günstigeren Pre-73 MK III. The Golden Age Pre-73 does just that. In order to be able to offer this classic and musical sound character at an even more affordable price point, we did scale down on some features that is seldom used. Used Golden Age Project Pre 73 MKII Audio Interface. Naviga tra le offerte di golden age pre 73 pubblicate dai negozi di strumenti musicali ai prezzi migliori. Free shipping for many products! Email. But for 350 brand new you cant beat it … 8th April 2014. The Golden Age Project PRE-73 JR 1073-Style Microphone Preamp/Direct Box is designed for professional recording applications. The Golden Age Project PRE-73 Jr is the little brother to our big seller, the PRE-73. I have had the honor of working with avalons, neve, and my personal fav UA pres. The Golden Age Pre73 attempts to replicate a coveted, classic Neve preamp design at a fraction of the price. Offering a slice of classic vintage vibe at just a snip of the typical price is Golden Age’s latest mic pre. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Golden Age Project Pre-73 Pre73 Mk3 Mic Preamp at the best online prices at eBay! WhatsApp. 761 Atlanta, GA. Golden Age Music PREQ-73 Review. Stream Golden Age Prohect Pre-73 Jr, a playlist by SoundGear SGear from desktop or your mobile device. $160 + $15 Shipping. Here is a comparison of the AMS Neve 1073 CH and the Golden Age Projects Pre 73. The Golden Age PRE-73 Jr. Mic/Line Preamp is the little brother to our big seller, the PRE-73.It uses the same discrete (no IC´s) signal path with a transformer balanced in- and output. The Pre‑73's insert point allows a separate Golden Age (or other) EQ to be inserted before the output transformer. Golden Age Project Pre-73 JR. Telegram. The circuit used in the PRE-73 PREMIER is similar to the preamp section in the classical 1073 module with a corresponding sound character that is warm, punchy, sweet and musical. Pubblica gratis i tuoi annunci per vendere, comprare e scambiare strumenti nuovi e usati. Like its big brother, the Pre-73 Jr inherited its superior sonics from its parents' infatuation with the classic Neve 1073 — the legendary console module … Excellent. The Golden Age Project PRE-73 Jr is the little brother to our big seller, the PRE-73. Because the Golden Age Project PRE-73 Jr. was designed to mimic the classic sound of the Neve 1073, we need to look at how the two units compare. Presenting the Golden Age Project PRE-73 Jr, the little brother of our big seller the PRE-73 Mk2. Using the same discrete (no IC´s) signal path with a transformer balanced in- and output, it offers the same classic character at an even more affordable price point. In order to be able to offer this classic and musical sound character at an even more affordable price point, we did scale down on some features that is seldom used. Cerca golden age pre 73 tra migliaia di annunci di vendita di usato dei privati. The Golden Age Project PRE-73 Jr is the little brother to the big seller, the PRE-73. Your Price $ 250.99 msrp:,lowPrice:250.99. Free shipping for many products! The combination microphone preamp and DI uses a discrete Class-A circuit design without any integrated circuits. Visa alla. Youtube. The Golden Age Pre-73 Jr mic/instrument preamp is the little sibling of the Pre-73, a favorite here at Sweetwater. Golden Age Pre73 Jr Junior mic preamp - very quick review/ opinion... chriscauldermusic. Contains tracks. PREQ-73 PREMIER; PRE-73 DLX(20190507現在生産完了。2019秋ごろ後継機種リリース予定) PRE-73mk3; PRE-73 Jr; です。 Der Preamp bekam den Namen Golden Age Project Pre-73 MK III und liegt, wie der Name schon vermuten lässt, in seiner nunmehr dritten Version vor. Golden Age Project Pre-73 Jr Microphone Preamp Single-channel Mic/Instrument Preamp with 70dB of Gain, Phantom Power, and Polarity Invert $249.99. SoundCloud. Im not saying its gonna be 1:1, no not what im saying. Share. Reverb Sellers Are Still Shipping. John Pickford sounds it out. Like its big brother, the Pre-73 Jr inherited its superior sonics from its parents' infatuation with the classic Neve 1073 — the legendary console module … Golden age pre 73 jr [ 골든에이지 프리 73 주니어] 프리앰프 단순개봉 팝니다.