It's difficult to see support in a sentence. He co-operated with Franklin and others in the periodical work entitled Affaires de l'Anglcterre et de l'Amerique (1776, sqq. We have allies here and here who will support us. After the latter had been deported by the Germans, the British and American support was transferred to his successor, Mataafa. As governor he gave Washington able support and sent out the expedition under George Rogers Clark into the Illinois country. I trust that the effort of The Great Round World to bring light to those who sit in darkness will receive the encouragement and support it so richly deserves. At 12,000 feet above sea level, there is barely enough oxygen in La Paz, Bolivia to support combustion, which means that the city is nearly fireproof. 1933569 I appreciate your support. The amount of money brought by the immigrants is not large, and is probably more than offset by the money sent back by immigrants for the support of families and friends at home or to aid them in following. support for something There is strong public support for the policy. In the Rhynchonellidae there are two short slender curved laminae, while in many genera and even families, such as the Productidae, Strophomenidae, Lingulidae, Discinidae, &c., there exists no calcified support for the labial appendages. The generals were compelled to support their forces by plunder or out of their private resources, and, frequently failing, diverted their efforts from the pressing needs of the allies to purely Athenian objects. Our helo went down and got tangled in the bridge's support wires. The rest of the mineral is allowed to remain until the stope has so far advanced that its support is no longer needed. CK 3060786 That supports my arguments. In the same year Alexander joined the English barons in their struggle against John, and led an army into England in support of their cause; but on the conclusion of peace after John's death between his youthful son Henry III. The majority of ordinary citizens did not support the war. ), and in a series of subsequent memoirs, in which the structure of the entosternum, of the coxal glands, of the eyes, of the veno-pericardiac muscles, of the respiratory lamellae, and of other parts, was for the first time described, and in which the new facts discovered were shown uniformly to support the hypothesis that Limulus is an Arachnid. ); serve as a foundation for. Some of the sentences below support this topic sentence with specific descriptive details. he kept saying, glancing for support at an officer of the suite who turned away from him. Examples of how to use “in support of” in a sentence from the Cambridge Dictionary Labs Johann Reuchlin, a well-known scholar, who had been charged by the Dominicans with heresy, not only received the support of the newer type of scholars, who wrote him encouraging letters which he published under the title Epistolae clarorum virorum, but this collection suggested to Crotus Rubianus and Ulrich von Hutten one of the most successful satires of the ages, the Epistolae obscurorum virorum. Little is heard of Pannonia until 35 B.C., when its inhabitants, having taken up arms in support of the Dalmatians, were attacked by Augustus, who conquered and occupied Siscia (Sissek). CK 1517212 She gave me moral support. Several support paragraphs usually work together to explain the main idea of a story, an essay, or a section of a business or technical report. As in the case of similar formations generally, they are endowed with a sensitiveness to touch which enables them to grasp and coil themselves round any suitable object which comes in their way, and thus to support the plant. It was the birthplace of both the elder and the younger Pliny, the latter of whom founded baths and a library here and gave money for the support of orphan children. This doctrine of philosophic quietism was common to his successors, until in the time of the sixth guru, Har Govind, it was found necessary to support the separate existence of Sikhism by force of arms, and this led to the militant and political development of the tenth and most powerful of the gurus, Govind Singh. The latter bitterly offended the Londoners, who, finding that they could turn the scales to either side, named the Commune as the price of their support of John. In steep pitching beds sufficient excavated material is allowed to remain in the stope for the support of the machines and men, the excess being drawn out from time to time and loaded into cars. The differences of salinity support this method, and, especially in the northern European seas, often prove a sharper criterion of the boundaries than temperature itself; this is especially the case at the entrance to the Baltic. Just before his resignation he had been elected, with Mirabeau and Sieyes, a member of the department of Paris; and in that capacity did useful work for some eighteen months in seeking to support the cause of order in the turbulent capital. In the assertion of their national aspirations, confused as these were with the new democratic ideals, the Magyars had had the support of the German democrats who temporarily held the reins of power in Vienna. . In 1874 he again accepted a seat in the Prussian parliament, in order to support the government in their conflict with the Clericals, and after 1878 with the Socialists. The theory has not found general acceptance, but it proved of great value to geological science, owing to the extensive additions to the knowledge of the structure of mountain ranges which its author made in endeavouring to find facts to support it. Examples of supporting in a sentence: 1. Another word for support. In justification of their action, and to enlist the support of the Turkish people, the Government made much of the facts that the war was against Russia, the traditional and inexorable enemy of the empire, and that Great Britain and France were in alliance with Russia. ". " in a sentence. The metallic plate thus produced formed, when stripped from its support, a reflection grating reproducing many of the characteristics of the original. The least I can do is support your decision. 2. He'd waited too long for the Council to support him instead of returning to the planet that needed him. He even made dangerous political concessions to secure the support of the gentry. The word “also” could be in the middle of a sentence (between a subject and a verb) without a comma (,) or at the end of a sentence with a comma (,). The following sentences support the topic sentence with precise descriptive details: 1. in 1024 he gave his support to Conrad II., who along with his consort was crowned with great pomp at St Peter's in Easter of 1027. 0. life-support systems. A support paragraph is a group of sentences that work together to explain, illustrate, or provide evidence for a single supporting assertion (topic sentence). (2) A solid bloc of union members support the decision. His troops did not number more than 500 men; but, in spite of many discouragements, he forced his way to Merida and Truxillo, towns of some importance in the west of Venezuela, and succeeded in raising the population to his support. She stopped too far away for his comfort, struggling to support her sister. Support definition: If you support someone or their ideas or aims , you agree with them, and perhaps help... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples CK … "You," said d'Alembert to him, "needed no introduction; you have recommended yourself; my support is your due.". He took a prominent part in educational affairs, strongly opposed the Roman Catholic claims for public funds for parochial schools, and conducted the campaign of the Free School Society to its successful issue in 1842, when a state law was passed forbidding the support from public funds of any "religious sectarian doctrine.". He served in the Continental Congress in 1 7771 779, and was enthusiastic in his support of Washington. He was now one of the recognized managers of the Jackson campaign, and a tour of Virginia, the Carolinas and Georgia in the spring of 1827 won support, for Jackson from Crawford. "An honor to support our long-time ally," Jaylon said with a bow. To set his right flank free the emperor called further on his reserve, and sent Duhesme with the Young Guard to Lobau's support. The Revue belge (1835-1843), in spite of the support of the best writers of the kingdom, as well as its successor the Revue de Liege (1844-1847), the Tresor national (1842-1843), published at Brussels, and the Revue de Belgique (1846-1851) were all short-lived. Michael T. Flynn, a former national security adviser who pleaded guilty to lying to the F.B.I., was pardoned in November, while Roger Stone’s sentence was commuted in July. The eldest, Thuweni, with British support, finally obtained the throne, and in 1862 an engagement was entered into by the French and English governments respecting the independence of the sultans of Oman. argument Harnack has the support of a considerable number of modern scholars who deny the Ephesian residence of John the apostle. To complete German political preparations in the Near East, and to make her Turkish Alliance effective, it was necessary to secure the support of Bulgaria. Definition of support written for English Language Learners from the Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary with audio pronunciations, usage examples, and count/noncount noun labels. The topic sentence should present the claim, or main idea, that you will develop and support within the rest of the paragraph. Further and stronger support was given when J. When Stephen seized the crown on the death of Henry I., he tried successfully to obtain the support of the people of London. It was hoped that the assembly of the attacking troops in the restricted zone opposite the crossing point, the rapid bridging of the dry canal, and the pushing forward of guns to cover the farther advance, and of reinforcements, ammunition and supplies to support it, could all be carried out with the necessary speed and security, although the difficulties to be faced were very great and the possible causes of contretemps numerous. These sentences … The pillars which support the nave are of marble from Elba and Giglio; those of the side aisles are the spoils of ancient Greek and Roman buildings brought by the Pisan galleys. Lothair, unable to capture Nuremberg, gained the support of Henry the Proud, the new duke of Bavaria, by giving him his daughter, Gertrude, in marriage, and that of Conrad, count of Zahringen, by granting him the administration of the kingdom of Burgundy, or Arles. He paused, supporting himself against a rock. They are the rise and support of our commerce. The empire of the Fatimites (q.v.) He devoted himself to the support of the Protestant interest in France. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. He needed her support, not her criticism. After the war he continued to support the prince of Augustenburg and was strongly opposed to the war with Austria. The man muttered a "No, thanks," released his support and continued on his way to the beach across the road. Without factitious support, man is sure to come to earth again beyond that distance. In chronic disease and in health the use of alcohol as an aid to digestion is without the support of clinical or laboratory experience, the beneficial action being at least neutralized by undesirable effects produced elsewhere. Their commander, the marquis of Bayona, arrogantly insisted on occupying the centre of the line with his worthless squadron instead of allowing his ships to be scattered among the Dutch for support. 5- But all Mahdi al-Gharawi could say was that the promised air support should arrive any minute. The crucible is then removed from the rubber support, weighed and replaced; the liquid is filtered through in the ordinary way; and the crucible with its contents is again removed, dried, ignited and weighed. In May of this year he had an important interview with Bismarck, who wished to secure his support for the reform of the confederation, and after the war was over at once accepted the position of a Prussian subject, and took his seat in the diet of the North German Confederation and in the Prussian parliament. 2. We might pay a premium to support a family farm. support somebody/something to support an idea/a view The party fully supports new welfare reform bill. CK 1 2545984 I'm here to support … In order to support himself and pay his academic fees many a Japanese has to fall into the ranks of the physical laborer during a part of each day or night. Aymer, however, gained the support of the pope; he was on his way back to England when he was overtaken by a fatal illness at Paris. 0. Pompey came to support him. Montrose, on the other hand, wished to bring the king's authority to bear upon parliament to defeat this object, and offered him the support of a great number of nobles. These are first copper-plated and soldered to … After his death, his son Philip having predeceased him (1298), Artois was adjudged to his daughter Mahaut, or Matilda, as against her nephew Robert, son of Philip, who attempted to support his claim to the countship by forged titles. At the Democratic National Convention in 1920 he had from the beginning strong support for the presidential nomination. I did not see why the schoolmaster should be taxed to support the priest, and not the priest the schoolmaster: for I was not the State's schoolmaster, but I supported myself by voluntary subscription. It is impossible to describe this machinery within the limits of this article, but it is notable that the principal difficulties to be overcome arise from the necessity of providing the glass with a perfectly continuous and unyielding support to which it can be firmly attached but from which it can be detached without undue difficulty. "The polls don't support the people outside. He assured me of his full support. The new candidate is enjoying the growing support from the voters. Sprinkled in the assortment of oldies were a few exceptions—two couples both named Dawkins, and Pumpkin Green, a young man taking a break from his cross country hike to California in support of the homeless, or so he claimed. Katie glanced at Carmen for support, but Carmen continued to stare at her plate. Refer to the How to Attach a File to a Problem Statement topic for more information. He defeated the troops of Merwan I., but could not win the support of the Kharijites. There were more important things to think about at the moment - like how she was going to support a baby on her meager wages. Example sentences with the word supported. The Word "Support" in Example Sentences Page 2. Support even among “very conservative” voters was above 60 percent, while support among “very liberal” voters was above 80 percent. The community center provides care, supervision and encouragement to young people who do not have that kind of support at home. If two magnets having moments M, M' are arranged at right angles to each other upon a horizontal support which is free to rotate, their resultant R will set itself in the magnetic meridian. 0. life-support training which is a mandatory professional requirement. It is reported that William sent a private message to Ansgar asking for his support. CK 1 2300264 I came to support Tom. To his insistence in 1860 that the Democratic party should support his claim to the protection of slavery in the territories by the Federal government, the disruption of that party was in large measure due. In the South Wales system of working, cross headings are driven from the main roads obliquely across the rise to get a sufficiently easy gradient for horse roads, and from these the stalls are opened out with a narrow entrance, in order to leave support on either side of the road, but afterwards widening to as great a breadth as the seam will allow, leaving pillars of a minimum thickness. Getting students to cite text evidence can be a difficult skill to teach. This sentence not only identifies the prized belonging ("an old, slightly warped, blond guitar") but also suggests why the writer values it ("the first instrument that I ever taught myself how to play"). Karen McDonnell. New Medici plots having been discovered, Bernardo del Nero and other prominent citizens were tried and put to death; but the party hostile to Savonarola gained ground and had the support of the Franciscans, who were hostile to the Dominican order. You are offline. Forests are the support system of our lives. This Christian kingdom - situated in the midst of Moslem states, hostile to the Byzantines, giving valuable support to the crusaders, and trading with the great commercial cities of Italy - had a stormy existence of about 300 years. When writing supporting sentences you should be giving examples, reasons, or descriptions to support your topic sentence. When a part of the body has found some projection of the ground which affords it a point of support, the ribs are drawn more closely together, on alternate sides, thereby producing alternate bends of the body. The operation had been brilliant in the extreme, but the exploitation proved more difficult, as neither tank nor artillery support was available in sufficient strength. 3. In this matter the Boer and British sections of the community were in agreement, and they had the support of the Transvaal government and of the other South African colonies. The village appeared to me a great news room; and on one side, to support it, as once at Redding & Company's on State Street, they kept nuts and raisins, or salt and meal and other groceries. To obtain the support of the capitalists, Gaius Gracchus conceived the plan of creating friction between them and the senate, which he carried out by handing over to them the control (a) of the jury-courts, and (b) of the revenues of Asia. I would be a damn fool not to devote everything I own in support of this. In your topic sentence, you have a controllling idea. The bottom-slice caving system of mining begins at the bottom of a hundred-foot block of ground, a floor being excavated under the whole area, leaving pillars of sufficient size to support the ground above. The facts of the relationships of animals to one another, which had been treated as the outcome of an inscrutable law by most zoologists and glibly explained by the transcendental morphologists, were amongst the most powerful arguments in support of Darwin's theory, since they, together with all other vital phenomena, received a sufficient explanation through it. Early Saturday morning, the two had boarded a charter bus with scores of bikers for the 372-mile, eight-hour trip to Cortez, Colorado, where they found a pleasant little town abuzz with the activity of 2,000 riders and hundreds of support personnel. For a time it looked as if the supremacy of the Wahhabi empire was to be renewed; El Hasa, Harik, Kasim and Asir returned to their allegiance, but over Oman and Yemen Fesal never re-established his dominion, and the Bahrein sheiks with British support kept their independence. of England; but Conrad's superior ability, and the support of the French crusaders, ultimately carried the day, and in 1192 Richard himself abandoned the pretensions of Guy, and recognized Conrad as king. Did she need it to support herself? All our historical sources support the view taken above that Edessa, the capital of the kingdom which the Greeks and Romans called Osrhoene, was the earliest seat of Christianity in Mesopotamia and the cradle of Syriac literature. The only brother not to declare outright war on him, Kiki was a distant second to Andre in his tepid support of their black sheep of a young brother. 10. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. But trench warfare was the order of the day, and the British and French were trying to carry this on without that ample artillery support which is almost indispensable when earthworks have to be stormed under modern tactical conditions. Friends are needed for support and for sharing. See more. Support was heavy for the school's primary sport. Support system definition is - a network of people who provide an individual with practical or emotional support. I have no intention of marrying a man for support - financial or any other. She received overwhelming support after the accident. The age distribution of the population of Ireland lends some support to this view. The daily outpour of heat from the sun at the present time suggests a profound argument in support of the nebular theory. The working-place in such case is considerably narrower than in rooms or stopes, and there is also greater difficulty in supporting the roof because the projecting beds tend to break close to the point of support where the strain is greatest. It was good to get out of the flat, get a few beers in, read the paper and get some moral support from people. His friend was dying and instead of getting the support he needed from his family, he had been sworn to silence. "Bad. On the latter view, which finds its main support in the intrinsic difficulties of the narrative, it is scarcely possible to avoid the conclusion that the chapter is one of the latest additions to the Pentateuch (Wellhausen and many others).". Cologne sent no representatives to the regular Hanseatic assemblies until 1383, and during the 15th century its independence was frequently manifested. The author of his expulsion, General Jose Tadeo Monagas, had in 1847 been nominated, like so many of his predecessors, to the presidency by Paez, but he was able to win the support of the army and assert his independence of his patron. The New Zealand flora, like the fauna, has been cited in support of the theory of the remote continental period. In 1880 and 1888 he aspired actively to the Republican nomination for the presidency, but failed to obtain the requisite support in the Convention. He turned to see Katie supporting Hannah as they entered the Sanctuary courtyard. He did not succeed in gaining the support of Henry VIII. the total estimated reductions on account of loss in working due to faults and other natural causes in seams and of coal required to be left for barriers, support of surface buildings, &c.; and column III. to support the tube containing the substance to be experimented upon, and so avoids the objection to the practice of withdrawing the stopper of the tube, dropping the substance in, and reinserting the stopper. He never offered financial support, and though he claimed to want to see his daughter, visits never came to fruition. He then went to London, and thence to Brussels, where, for his support of the reforms of Joseph II., he was ennobled and granted an honorarium of one thousand ducats. I do not hesitate to say, that those who call themselves Abolitionists should at once effectually withdraw their support, both in person and property, from the government of Massachusetts, and not wait till they constitute a majority of one, before they suffer the right to prevail through them. His vassals, however, showed themselves determined to support him in his struggle against the avengers of the duke of Orleans. This brachial skeleton is more developed in some genera than in others. There are three regular funds in London for the support of hospitals. Birdwood in securing close contact with the contingents that had landed at Suvla on the night of the 6th-7th, and from which substantial support had been expected. support example sentences. emory989 802183 They supported the Allies. Nearly two-thirds of Republican voters expressed support. 4. The king was left under interdict personally, but to that he showed himself indifferent, and he had the support of his clergy. Roman Catholics support about 150 clerical day schools attended by about 11,500 scholars. His subsequent defence of the proposed grant, on the ground that it would be improper and unjust to exclude the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland from a " more indiscriminating support " which the state might give to various religious beliefs, was regarded by men of less sensitive conscience as only proving that there had been no adequate cause for his resignation. In the Complete string section, enter the sentence that the candidate must complete. A member of the Hofkriegsrath from Vienna had come to Kutuzov the day before with proposals and demands for him to join up with the army of the Archduke Ferdinand and Mack, and Kutuzov, not considering this junction advisable, meant, among other arguments in support of his view, to show the Austrian general the wretched state in which the troops arrived from Russia. corps having retreated, the Guard corps (next on its left) was endangered, and Steinmetz on his line of advance towards Skalitz (action of Skalitz, June 28th) could only count on the gradual support of the VI. N.S. Once arrived she gave herself heartily to Urban's cause, and wore her slender powers out in restraining his impatient temper, quieting the revolt of the people of Rome, and trying to win for Urban the support of Europe. Lacking the support of the ultra-royalists, he was given the title of minister of state without portfolio, which was equivalent to a retirement. In 1650 he was sent against Montrose, who was defeated and captured by Major Strachan, Leslie's advanced guard commander; and later in the year, all parties having for the moment combined to support Charles II., Leslie was appointed to the -chief command of the new army levied for the purpose on behalf of Charles II. Definition of Support. In support of that theory it is pointed out that the average Japanese, man or woman, will recount a death or some other calamity in his own family with a perfectly calm, if not a smiling, face. In 1687 James made a bid for the support of the Dissenters by advocating a system of joint toleration for Catholics and Dissenters. Bavarian Corps with five divisions in front line and about twice that number in support. It became, indeed, increasingly difficult to obtain the support of the inland towns for a policy of seapower in the Baltic. By donating money, the voters supported the political candidate and his campaign for the presidency. The mining of each floor is carried on in sections with small working-places which are first driven of moderate height to their full length and width, leaving a back of ore above and pillars of ore between to support the upper portion of the upper layer or floor. He also gave able support to the nationalistic and anti-slavery factions in the convention. "You would be surprised what support this claim will win you," Memon said. The Republican machine finds it easy with the support of the millionaire summer colony at Newport and the street railway corporations to corrupt the French-Canadians and a portion of the native element in the rural towns and maintain absolute control of the state government. The wall at her back gave her support to press closer to him, and when he freed one hand, she used it to grasp his neck and pull his lips down harder on her own. I called in the DC Sector for support as well. 2. The principal evidence which Humboldt adduced in its support was the possibility of explaining a vast number of the ancient topographical names of Spain, and of other asserted Iberian districts, by the forms and significations of Basque. support in a sentence Example Sentences for "support" There is a Chinese proverb which notes that a single beam cannot support a great house. Making their way up from a position among the nobility to be the rulers of the land, and finally to supplant the kings, the Carolingians had especial need of resources from which to purchase and reward faithful support. The hinder portion of the body being drawn of ter, some part of it (c) finds another support on the rough ground or a projection; and, the anterior bends being stretched in a straight line, the front part of the body is propelled (from a to d) in consequence. 0. life-support mechanism. There are 50 example sentences for supported, and this page shows no. render support to. But the death of Mary of England on the 17th of November 1558 had deprived Philip of English support. That he was not opposed to labour was shown by his earlier support of the bill limiting the scope of injunctions against striking employees. Supporting sentences should focus on the following: - They should provide the main supporting points for the paragraph's main idea (topic sentence) - There are usually 2 - 4 supporting sentences in a paragraph. Thereafter, whatever befell, the allied armies would resolutely press forward towards Paris, affording each other mutual support, and with the tremendous weight of troops at their disposal thrust back Napoleon upon his capital, force him to fight in front of it, and drive him when defeated within its works. Delbruck now began, with the support of Bismarck, to apply the principles of free trade to Prussian fiscal policy. How to use support system in a sentence. Sits " are the reverse of creeps; in the one case the pavement is forced up, and in the other the roof is forced or falls down, for want of proper support or tenacity in itself. But a private owner may create a highway at common law by dedicating the soil to the use of the public for that purpose; and the using of a road for a number of years, without interruption, will support the presumption that the soil has been so dedicated. The use of the heavy timbers and continuous framing which characterize this system facilitates greatly the work of mining and maintaining the haulage roads on the different floors, and gives more rigid support to the unmined portions of the block of ground above.