See if your institution will let you go part-time and look into their options for benefits! But, looking back I realized had only … When our identity is in a profession that can easily drag us down and will never set limits on how much they ask of us, we’re not going to be feeling good if we make them our focus. Nurses working in teaching and administrative roles face few risks. Hi, I am a BSN graduated from well thought of school in my area in 2010, GPA 3.5. I want you to be able to apply some of these to your life and instead of saying, “I hate being a Nurse” you’ll be able to say “I’m so thankful for an awesome career that has such opportunity and allows me to create a life & schedule that I love with the opportunity to help others and make good money in the process!” Cuz that’s the truth. Having a hobby or doing something that allows you to “play” outside of your career is a GAME changer! According to Nurse Practitioner Zone, beginning in 2015, nurse practitioners must complete a doctorate degree to practice. Telehealth and Tele-Triage. I was tired of taking orders and carrying out tasks. As a result, the “business” has taken extreme priority over patient care. Unprofessional Behavior. The medical model focuses on fixing discrete prob-lems. I’m here to let you know that those are all lies that you tell yourself. Whole Life Nurse Community PRN, Part-Time, and Holistic Nurse Jobs Facebook Group here. This responsibility leaves nurse practitioners open to malpractice law suits from patients who are unhappy with their treatment, don't recover or suffer side effects. With surgeries, interventions, and medical technology being more extreme and involved than ever, the acuity of care that we take on as nurses has just gotten higher and higher. We are tired. I am just so tired of being a nurse. Posted on: May 08, 2013. written by. Dog walk. Inadequate staffing. Answer the questions that are being asked: If you are applying to different family nurse practitioner residency schools, there are questions that you will find in every application. Follow the @WholeLifeNurse instagram for more education and content like this! They are the one-stop shop for everything a novice nurse practitioner … Coworker strain. You’d be surprised how hospitals would work with you on this issue (and even give you FT benefits for a lower hourly part-time pay), but you have to ask or the answer will always be no! Nursing can be extremely draining and it doesn’t take long before the words get muttered from your mouth, “I hate being a nurse!” You’re not alone! Clean houses. Nursing Salaries in Hospitals vs. in Clinics. Take those music lessons! Extensive, specialized training includes diagnostic procedures, anatomy and physiology and prescribing medication. Advantages of Being a Nurse Practitioner While both NPs and RNs hold registered nurse licenses, NPs have completed at least an MSN and certification in a population or other specialty area . Whether it be starting your own yoga studio, becoming a health coach, selling essential oils, and doing whatever the heck you’ve been thinking about doing, having a side hustle allows you to make extra income and do it connecting with what you love! That’s exactly what you need to be to grow a successful business! If you are comfortable on the phone, telehealth may be the right path for … Once you figure out what’s stealing from your cup, you can address them and move forward to create a career WITHOUT those things! So many nurses struggle with boundaries, physical and emotionally. What used to be run by Physician Groups is now being led by Giant Corporations and Share Holders. I also see that many nurses are afraid or feel guilty for saying no. Nurse practitioners are registered nurses with at least a master's degree. I started my blog 7 years ago and it’s grown into becoming my baby and my mission: helping nurses create a career and life that they LOVE with less stress, more money, and better health! Take those dance lessons! However, the state in which they practice may place more restrictions on them. Sometimes their is a poison in the picture that’s running even the good. Nurse practitioners may work in settings such as those listed previously as well as pharmaceutical companies and research facilities. I need to enjoy life OUTSIDE of the cray cray that my profession can be! In some cases, nurses may also be on-call and may be required to work overtime. Nurse practitioners experience high levels of stress. Conditions in these locations may vary and cause risk to the nurse. Wether it be a toxic unit culture or you just are not really loving the care that you give, YOU are NEVER stuck! Miscommunication or the lack of communication. If we want to improve nurse … You’re on your feet for 12 straight hours (if you’re lucky; many nurses work up to 14 or 15 hours a day! Some many nurses take to heart the hurtful words from others and you should ask yourself before allowing those words to affect you, “Does this person have a life I would want for myself?” “Is this person aware of their mean behavior and do they treat others in a way I would?” If the answer is no, remember that you alway have power over how you feel and respond to such toxic people. Nurse-to-staff ratio overload (does the word unsafe come to mind) Lack of teamwork. Want to try the out patient setting? Let’s create skills & support to address it. Unbeknownst to everyone, this single feature inherent of a nurse is actually the most important factor that could push the dynamism towards a faster patient recuperation. I understand that part-time benefits can be a little pricier, but ask yourself this: “Is $100 a month a month extra worth my peace of mind?” If you can make that money up elsewhere at a job or a PRN outside of the hospital, things might start to look up! They let the Toxic Terries (that’s what I like to call them) walk all over them. Is it a BUNCH of things together? Mixing it u with a PRN is magic! The hardest part about growing a business is the marketing & sales side. Try to get to the root of what truly gets to you and see if you can target those and make adjustments to make your career and life healthier! Changing up the environment can be extremely helpful! Once again, non-clinical and trying to explain your reason why patients care is delayed or actions postponed to these types of people is like trying to explain why birthing a baby is hard and painful to a guy. I have worked in an ED the majority of that time. No, I do not like being a nurse and I do not recommend anyone to go into this stressful field. Depending on the research topic, nurses in research facilities may also face the risk of contracting a disease or side effects from any chemicals and medications with which they come in contact. It’s all what you create it to be! You don’t hate being a nurse. Hospitals make their own policies on benefits. My fatal mistake was that I did not get a job as a CNA during school and now I cannot get hired by anyone. If you’re looking for a good PRN gig, check them out! Do not be tempted to use the same statements for all your applications: You need to answer every question being … I recently found you, and love what you have to say. Don’t be afraid to change. Take care of you! They don’t want to see their friends or their patients suffer, but here’s the deal. Maybe you’re struggling with nursing being your “entire life!” Listen….if nursing is your “everything”, you’re missing out & you’re gunna get hurt. Then change it. Nurses make incredible bloggers and business owners! You’re not too old. Get involved with the nurse practitioner profession. You should always ask yourself some KEY questions before weighing the value of another person’s opinions or actions at work. Start that blog! You don’t hate being a nurse. I wanted the responsibility of diagnosing and treating and being … Hospitals today take advantage of the empathetic and caring heart of nurses! I cried when I read some of these articles in this … I know you think that you’re too old or that it won’t be better on the other side. Teach a fitness class! Can I speak for the nurses? They are healthy and keep the work relationship going. Do I have to leave ER? Work at a coffee shop! You have to take care of you, get your rest, and know what things in your personal life take priority over your hospital’s needs. They are drowning physically and emotionally to the point that many leave after a shift saying to themselves “I hate being a nurse.”. … Sign up for Yoga! I’m a nurse practitioner It is a bully? To the OP, if you like being a bedside nurse… … Nursing is no longer my full-time income! Stay a bedside nurse. You 100% can figure something out. I'm a bedside med/trauma ICU nurse with plenty of worthless certification letters behind my name. Google it! If you feel like maybe you’re thinking “I hate being a nurse” because doing it FULL time is feeling a lot like it’s owning your life, then try cutting cutting down to part-time and doing something else on the side! Nurse practitioners frequently: Stand for long periods of time. I love being a nurse, but I gotta go home to my family! Barton Team. Ability to prescribe medication: Nurse practitioners can prescribe certain drugs under the authority of their collaborating physician and may only prescribe a limited amount of opioids in hospitals. Then when you factor in it having the potential to allow you to cut down on those toxic hours at work, it can be game changing! In some cases, nurses may also be on-call and may be required to work overtime. You just need a little nudge in the right direction, a change of mindset, and you’re ready to start taking control of your career and life and loving being a nurse again! A woman from Massachusetts is reaping the fruit of her hard work and perseverance now that she has become a nurse practitioner from being a custodian at the local hospital. I am done, cooked and ready to do … With the state of Healthcare where it’s at, it’s more of a business than ever. Get a part-time gig doing a low stress nursing job and then go work a PRN somewhere else! We are so tired of being called names and being treated like we are hotel workers all while we are trying to provide highly technical and complicated clinical care to improve the quality of our patient’s lives. You can also get benefits and retirement too! Paperwork. My friends think I’m a wannabe doc-tor, but I’m not. Just because the nurse … Surely I had already covered this topic, I thought. the University of Oklahoma. Maureen Malone started writing in 2008. Set them! I have been a nurse for over 28 years. Then change it. The cool thing about a Part-Time job is that you’re only required part-time hours, but if you NEED to pick up, hospitals always have needs. If a patient dies, the nurse practitioner may also be sued by the patient's family. In additions, according to the "Nevada Nurses Legal Handbook," nurses may face malpractice or civil lawsuits for medications that are administered incorrectly or in the wrong doses, even if the medications are prescribed by a physician. You can try hard to explain it the best you can and they can listen & comprehend, but they will never FULLY get it. Working against the clock, feeling the pressure to meet quota, (aka the timeliness of discharges, the number of new admissions, the number of surgeries done, how long procedures take, and how long patients are waiting in the ER), and all at the same time trying to safely and effectively take care of these patients while working in toxic and controlling nursing environments as a result of the pressure at hands, nurses are drowning. I’m going to share with you 7 helpful Tips that will change your attitude and make you LOVE what you do so that you never have to think the words again, “I hate being a nurse.”. I am 30 years old and I am BURNED OUT. Do something different. It will 100% transform your career when you can master Healthy Nurse Boundaries and apply them no your life! Is it … USE THEM! You can also snag my “Non-Traditional Nursing Jobs Workshop” here! Who the heck said that in order to be a “real nurse” you had to do it full time?! Within the past 10 years I’ve seen a HUGE shift in how hospitals are run. You’re tired … You have SO many unique gifts and talents! As a result, the nursing profession has felt an extreme pressure unlike anything in the history of nursing. If you’re sick and not feeling well, don’t for ONE second feel bad calling out. Nurses look at the whole person. Endofstory. Mow Lawns. Sometimes where you are at is the problem. That being said, I am not a totally altruistic nurse. Hospitals are takers who don’t set limits and nurses are givers so they NEED to! Hurt people hurt people and their words are powerless without your reaction. You hate the fear and guilt that come along with being asked 24/7 to stay late, work extra, float to another unit, and swap shifts. YES! They know how painful it is to work short-staff. It will remind you more of why you love life and this can make you feel healthier, happier, and more balanced coming into your job as a nurse! They are natural problem solvers and educators. I feel like I am running on fumes trying to take care of everyone and everything, and it seems nothing ever goes right. Endless charting – repeating information on multiple forms. Physical Boundaries are making sure that you know when to say NO! I hope all of these tips resonate with you. You’re not STUCK! We have to have those creative and passionate outlets! At the end of the day, it’s not your job to staff the hospital! You hate not being able to take the time that you need to make sure your patient is educated and cared for in the best way. The now indifferent nurse is just too tired to give any care, and that is a problem. It’s an incredible Entrepreneur group that teaches nurses the skills and gives them tools to market & sell their services, education, and products! Get a generalized master's and become a charge nurse, nurse leader, unit director, etc. This is a huge responsibility for the nurse, and in some cases, a patient cannot be treated or saved creating further emotional stress.